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How we work

Needs based 

We work based upon your needs.

You can assess your organisational and personal needs and agree them with us before you begin training. For this purpose, when you contact us, we supply a needs analysis form for you to complete


We welcome your own materials, or we will create materials, and use methodologies to meet your language and communication needs. 


We will structure the sessions so that you speak and interact as much as possible, in a variety of relevant contexts.


You will receive highly personalised feedback on your performance, and you will be encouraged to reflect and action change.


We will ensure you are motivated to increase your performance during training and sustain the change, after or between learning interventions, with ongoing blended training and coaching. .

Where we work

Virtual / online

Man Trying App


Mature Businesswoman

We will work with you wherever you are globally.

We will provide online courses so that you can participate while at work or in your free time.

If you are already located in the United Kingdom, we can provide courses from York, London or in-company. If you wish to travel to the UK for an individual or closed group course, we will work with you to arrange this. If you want us to visit you and work in your country, we can.

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