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Team Training for Business  Professionals

doing work together

Help your team to work internationally.


Taking your team out of their real environment will give them the opportunity to learn more about each other in a less pressurised setting. To build your relationships and awareness.


Whatever sector you work in, we can help you to communicate more effectively in English, in an  international environment.

In a typical one-week, 30-hour course, your team can discuss real issues, and solve real problems,  against a backdrop of key language input: for example:

for meetings, negotiations, teleconferences, presentations, social events, networking, and email writing.

Together, we can frame a course that stimulates and inspires new ideas and creativity whilst providing clear  and supportive feedback on use of English at work, communication styles and team building.

We can examine how to adapt your cultural perspective to meet the demands of international working. We look at self-awareness, the skills of listening and empathy, influence and the theory of culture in a global business world.

Each member of the team will get personalised correction of regular errors and vocabulary suggestions to make their messages  either simpler or more sophisticated depending upon the listener in their common work contact.

We can arrange social and cultural visits to provide some light relief from the intensity of daily sessions whilst offering new opportunities for language practice, in more diverse situations.

We can also call on a network of local professionals in order to arrange meetings and guest speakers during your course.

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